People come to Online CE Directory to find qualified CE Providers. Reviews and star ratings are an important part of the user experience. Though not everyone may agree, it is expected that anyone using this platform conducts him/herself professionally and with honesty and respect.
Here are some basic guidelines to help set the tone for discourse on the site.
- Relevance: Please make sure your contributions are appropriate for the platform. For example, reviews should reflect your specific experience using the services of the Provider you are reviewing. This platform is not the place for political opinions, social commentary, or to post grievances with the Provider. Anyone having a grievance with a Provider is encouraged to contact the Provider directly to resolve the issue.
- Inappropriate content: This platform is a professional directory and is no place for threats, harassment, lewdness, hate speech, or other displays of bigotry.
- Conflicts of interest: Your reviews should be unbiased and objective. For example, Providers shouldn’t write reviews of your own business or employer. Likewise, users should not write reviews of your friends’ or relatives’ business, your peers or competitors in your industry, or businesses in your networking group. Providers should never ask customers to write reviews.
- Privacy: Don’t publicize people’s private information.
- Promotional content: Do not include promotional material in your reviews.
- Intellectual property: Use original content. Infringing upon another’s intellectual property by copying without permission, will not be tolerated.
- Provider Content: Providers are expected to display honest and truthful information in their listing profiles, including but not limited to Board approval status and licensing information, as well as with respect to course offerings, reporting CEs, and when using relevant listing tags
- Images: Providers may opt for a listing subscription which allows for a limited number of images to be posting in the Provider’s listing profile. Those images are intended to be restricted to Provider logos. No other images are appropriate or will be approved.
- Approval: Ratings, reviews, and Provider profile content are all subject to approval and/or removal by Online CE Directory. If anyone does not comply with the above guidelines, their content may not be published and their account may be closed.
Updated 2/3/2021